LDAP5 l-with/terraform-provider-ldap issue 등록 https://github.com/l-with/terraform-provider-ldap/issues/85 user } ad_gr..." data-og-host="github.com" data-og-source-url="https://github.com/l-with/terraform-provider-ldap/issues/85" data-og-url="https://github.com/l-with/terraform-provider-ldap/issues/85" data-og-image="https://scrap.kakaocdn.net/dn/bRjA35/hyWSeMtBlc/OraTtjXZPAudXpkKNSAsFK/img.png?width=1200&height=600&face=0_0_1200_600"> Prob.. 2024. 8. 16. [ArgoCD/helm] LDAP 인증 붙이기 https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/argo/argo-cd argo-cd 7.3.7 · argoproj/argoA Helm chart for Argo CD, a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.artifacthub.io # values.yamlconfigs: cm: dex.config: | connectors: - type: ldap name: ldap id: ad config: # ldap 주소(또는 IP) host: ldap.honglab.com:389 insecureNoSSL: tru.. 2024. 7. 16. [Grafana/helm] LDAP 인증 붙이기 https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/grafana/grafana grafana 8.3.4 · grafana/grafanaThe leading tool for querying and visualizing time series and metrics.artifacthub.io # values.yamlgrafana.ini: auth.ldap: enabled: true allow_sign_up: true config_file: /etc/grafana/ldap.tomlldap: enabled: true config: |- verbose_logging = true [[servers]] # ldap 주소(또는 IP) host = "ldap.ho.. 2024. 7. 16. [Active Directory] Object Protect 없애기 You do not have sufficient privileges to delete , or this object is protected from accidental deletion. 보호 지우려고 property 들어가봤는데 ...; 보이게 해보자. Views > Advanced Features 클릭 다시 property 들어가면 Obejct 탭이 생겨있음, Protect 꺼주면 됨 끝~ 2024. 7. 11. [Terraform] AD User 만들기 # 사용한 프로바이더 https://registry.terraform.io/providers/l-with/ldap/latest/docs Terraform Registry registry.terraform.io terraform { required_providers { ldap = { source = "l-with/ldap" version = ">= 0.4" } } } locals { ad_server_ip = "" ad_domain = "honglab.com" ad_admin_pw = "" } provider "ldap" { host = local.ad_server_ip port = 389 tls = false bind_user = "Admin@${local.ds_domain}" bind_p.. 2024. 1. 31. 이전 1 다음