airflow2 [Airflow/helm] Keycloak OAuth 붙이기 # 사용 차트User Community 버전 / 8.8.0 airflow 8.8.0 · airflow-helm/airflow-helmAirflow Helm Chart (User Community) - the standard way to deploy Apache Airflow on Kubernetes with # 1. Keycloak Client 생성참고로 난 keycloak 21버전을 사용한다.>> keycloak 설치 글 : [Keycloak 21] k8s cluster에 helm chart로 설치하기 Client > Create client Client .. 2024. 8. 4. [Airflow/helm] Github OAuth 붙이기 airflow 1.11.0 · apache-airflow/apache-airflow The official Helm chart to deploy Apache Airflow, a platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows user-community 버전 사용하는거 아님 # 1. Github OAuth Client 만들기 homepage URL : Airflow 도메인 Authotization callback URL : Airflow 도메인 + /oauth-authorized/github # 2... 2023. 11. 5. 이전 1 다음