
[Active Directory] Proxy Setting하기 (AWS WorkSpaces Client)

haejang 2021. 9. 3. 14:02




Configuring Proxy Settings via GPO on Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 – TheITBros

The article shows how to configure GPO proxy settings for Internet Explorer 11 browser using Active Directory Group Policies



위 방법은 아래와 같다

GPO Editor > User Configuration > Preference > Control Panel Settings > Internet Settings > New > Internet Explorer 10 > Connections > LAN settings 의 Proxy server 탭에서 설정


Proxy Server의 IP와 포트를 적는다

근데 이렇게 했는데,,,,Manual proxy server가 ON만 되고 입력한 IP Address와 Port가 적용되지 않는 문제가 있었다

왜 안되는진 아직도 모르겠다...AWS DS 문제거나 WorkSpaces(Client) 문제거나....


아무튼 그래서 더 뒤져보다가...Registry Key로 적용하는 방법을 찾았다




Configuring Proxy Settings on Windows Using Group Policy Preferences | Windows OS Hub

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to centrally configure proxy settings on Windows 10 computers in a domain using Group Policy. Most popular browsers (such as Microsoft…



GPO Editor > Computer Configuration or User Configuration (둘 중 뭐로 해도 상관x) > Preference > Windows Settings > Registry Key > New > Registry Item


Proxy Enable / Proxy Server Setting


1) Proxy Enable


Key Path : Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

Value Name : ProxyEnable

Value Type : REG_DWORD

Value Data : 1


2) Proxy Server Setting


Key Path : Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

Value Name : ProxyServer

Value Type : REG_SZ

Value Data : [프록시 서버 IP]:[Port]



++ Client에서 Proxy Setting을 할 수 없게 막는 방법



Block users from messing with proxy settings – here's how on Windows 10.

In this guide, we'll show you the steps to disable (and enable) the ability for users to change the proxy settings on Windows 10 using the Local Group Policy Editor or Registry.


GPO Editor > User Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer

에서 Prevent changing proxy settings 를 Enable 시켜주기만 하면 된다


Internet Explorer > Prevent changing proxy settings Enable
모든 정책이 적용된 Client의 Proxy 화면


진짜 끝!!


